Tuesday, April 3, 2012


11 Weeks...
11 Weeks
This week our babies are the size of limes!
I must admit that as they grow the magnitude of TWO continues to set in
I have been feeling more and more like myself and it has been a welcome change
My appetite was in full force and I couldn't seem to get enough food 

Jeremiah and I were able to head out to Billings for an overnight with his parents 
We had a great time celebrating my 28th birthday and Nancy's birthday as well
The time was filled with relaxation, fun shopping, and tons of great food 
We were thankful for time to get away with family and each other 

Our Little Limes
"Lord, thank you for your presence of peace this week in our lives and hearts"

1 comment:

  1. You need to change the title of your blog!
    Welcome Babies Heiser
    Welcome Baby Heisers
    Welcome Heiser Babies
    Welcome Baby Baby Heiser

    I could go on ya know! :)
