Saturday, February 25, 2012


7 weeks:
7 weeks
Our baby is the size of a blueberry this week!
As our baby works overtime to grow bigger and bigger
I am feeling the process slow me down more and more
Much of the same this week in terms of exhaustion
I attempted to grocery shop but had to take a nap
I attempted to start laundry but had to take a nap
I attempted to do anything on my ToDo list but had to take a nap
Mommy gets the message loud and clear Baby Heiser... "Slow Down"

Since we live so close to my work, I continue to walk to school each day
And I have been walking at least an additional thirty minutes after school
This has helped give me a small burst of energy to make it through the afternoon
I am thankful for a mild winter so I can keep getting the fresh air in Montana

Many fears and worries crept into my heart and mind this week 
Jeremiah continues to be a constant place of stability for me
And I love the calm spirit in which he has approached our pregnancy
The Lord knew the exact balance we would need during this season of life

"Lord, may I find my complete rest in You throughout this pregnancy" 

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